Android/Apps Question


Registered User
I'm considering buying a smartphone with the capacity to download Apps/Android thingies.

I know there can be an initial purchase price associated with these apps, but is there a recurring charge for their usage?

For example if I download the Tripadvisor app or a radio station app, do I incur a charge every time I use it?

Thanks in advance.
Most apps are free, and apps with recurring fees are unusual, in fact I think they may be disallowed by the store terms at the moment. That's not to say it won't come in in the future, but for now you should be ok.
If using the app requires data to be downloaded you will be charged for that. Some tariffs include a data allowance.
dahamsta covered it pretty well.

For example if I download the Tripadvisor app or a radio station app, do I incur a charge every time I use it?
The only real 'recurring' charge you'd need to consider is on the data usage of an app. If you're not connecting via wifi, the data can add up and lead to you exceeding your limits (assuming you have a data plan with your provider).

It's easily solved by turning off auto updates, controlling how you connect (e.g. wifi only), etc. (something worth spending a little time learning about, as correct settings for your needs will have a dramatic impact on battery life too), just something to be aware of.
If using the app requires data to be downloaded you will be charged for that. Some tariffs include a data allowance.

And seeing as the OP mentioned a radio station app, then Yes - using an app to listen to a radio app will consume some of the download allowed for in your monthly data package charge. While data packages are (typically) a set charge per month, up to a specified amount of data, using the radio station app will mean you'll go through your pre-paid download allowance quicker. Quicker. that is, than not using a radio station app, e.g. Angry Birds.
Thanks for all the replies.

Tarfhead, what the hell is "Angry Birds"

Angry birds. The main reason why you'd want an android phone!

As for going over your monthly data limit, There's an app to stop you from doing this!!