Amgen Factory in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork- good for house prices?

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I bought a house in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork, and the news that Amgen are creating 1200 jobs here literally half a mile from my house must be good. It's worth 360 K now (detached 4 bed)

Has anyone other experience of big business increasing the value of housing in it's immediate hinterland?

What happend in Leixlip when Intel moved in?


Re: Amgen Factory - good for house prices?

I suppose it depends upon how much crap is emmitted from factory & any associated odours that go with it will determine whether prices will go up or down.

That will definately help... but more to the point, once the high speed rail link goes in linking Cork, Carrigtwohill and Midleton in 2008/9 then you can expect a jump.
I have always expected Carrigtwohill to be a high growth area. I have just put a deposit on a house there in antisapation of this.
The air quality in Carrigtwohill is already lousy. Since little Island, one of Cork's two major chemical industry areas, is placed straight in the way of wind to Carrigtwohill and since there is a (wet) garden waste incinerator next to the chemical plant at the national road as well as a more or less permanent odour of cyanide from that plant ( the one you see on your right hand side when travelling from Cork to Rosslare) and since there are at least two illegal-but-not-bothered dumps visible along this national road in Carrigtwohill and since there is this permanent smog bell during the winter time over that little village and since many of newly build houses are already up for sale again : I wouldn't put to much money in a home property investment there. The people talk about the reopening of the railwayline since 1970.....Dead bodys had been found on that railwayline of persons that went missing for years.....(no yoke). Midleton has declared itself as the "car friendly town " of east Cork last year. I supose the car traders will make an alliance against the efficient running of that railway-if it ever comes. The local Super Value market owner/manager realy had the guts to apeal a shopping center... in little Island!! 20 km further! And succeded. There is a strong "interest group" active in that area which doesn't like any change. And I think the car sellers in Midleton (more than 6 new ones opened the last couple years) are strong taxpayers with a lot of influence. But all that is only a personal observation.
There could possibly be vested interests in Midleton but car dealerships having a say on whether a link link opens or not??? Come on, I don't think so.
This rail link is going to happen and funding has already been approved, in fact one of the reasons Amgen decided on Carrigtwohill was due to the rail link. Amgen are even in discussions with the local authority to locate the rail link station in the grounds of their factory.
As for pollution issues... Little Island/Ringaskiddy pollution affects the whole of Cork City and the general harbour area and Carrigtwohill suffers no more, or no less than any other part of Cork City.

Carrigtwohill is a growth area, zoned for housing and unless there is a complete collapse of house prices generally anyone buying a house there will have no worries.