American Express membership rewards


Registered User
I had to get a corporate amex card last year (I already had a blue one, but the company wanted another one to keep business costs distinct) and signed up at the time for Amex Rewards on the basis that since I was going to be booking work flights and hotels on it I was going to work up a good few points.

Now that the year is up I am trying to find out what to do with the points, but can't find any information. This is Amex worldwide we are talking about so I presume there is something I can get, but I just can't find lists of rewards and points.

I rang them and got on to a nice-but-not-clued-in guy who worked for membership rewards, but he didn't have details of any rewards I could claim, didn't have a document with reward details he could mail me and only found out their website was broken when I showed him. I don't understand how people can claim rewards if they can't find the list of rewards in the first place.

He was to call me back last week, but I just remembered now that he hasn't done it yet. I will call tomorrow, but I was wondering if anyone knows what the trick is to get the list of rewards ?


Thanks for your post zag.......I also signed up for the reward scheme through my company ~2 years ago and have heard sweet FA ever since!