Am I Ms or Mrs


Registered User
Stupid question maybe - am just filling out a form here and although I'm married I kept my own name so am I Mrs (my own name) or Ms (my own name). I just filled in Ms (my own name) is that correct?
It's a personal preference. I know someone who doesn't like to be referred to as Ms. and asks that she is referred to as Mrs. Surname but the surname she uses isn't her husbands surname.
Put down Mrs., how else is the guy processing the form going to know that you are spoken for and therefore hit on someone else.
It's a personal preference. I know someone who doesn't like to be referred to as Ms. and asks that she is referred to as Mrs. Surname but the surname she uses isn't her husbands surname.

Her husband needs to take her in hand.
It always makes me laugh when Paddy O'Gorman or whoever is doing a vox-pop, and asks an older lady her name, and she responds with 'Mrs Byrne'. When do you get to the stage that you think of yourself as 'Mrs' rather than your own first name.
It always makes me laugh when Paddy O'Gorman or whoever is doing a vox-pop, and asks an older lady her name, and she responds with 'Mrs Byrne'. When do you get to the stage that you think of yourself as 'Mrs' rather than your own first name.

My mother and Gran were always addressed as Mrs and only very close Friends or close relatives would it be polite to address them by first name, My mother would even challenge anyone whom would use her first name, she used to say where were they brought up, NO RESPECT,
I always call married women as Mrs,
The answer to your Question is of course MRS and gain the respect you deserve.

Thankfully those days are gone, when women got no respect unless they were married.
I understand this - my point was not so much about what they expect others to call them. I was really pointing out that it seems strange to me when they call themselves 'Mrs Byrne'.