Am I entitled To the Dole while working Parttime




Just wondering can anyone help me, I am just back to work from maternity leave and am working parttime. The creche is costing a fortune so I was wondering am I entitled to dole money to cover the hours that I cant work?Or if I gave up work altogether can I claim the dole straight away.

Possibly if you are unemployed 3 days out of 6, are available for and genuinely seeking employment during these days and meet the relevant PRSI (Unemployment Benefit) or means test (Unemployment Assistance) qualification criteria. See the Welfare website for more and perhaps contact your local Welfare office to investigate further and submit a claim for consideration. However I get the impression from your post that you can't work certain days/hours because you are otherwise engaged (childminding I presume?) in which case you would most likely fail the "genuinely available for and seeking work" qualification criterion for those periods.