Health Insurance Alternatives to public hospital A&E in Cork


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In Cork there is the

Mater Private with ED (cardiac but not stroke), no children under 16, 9-5 M-F

VHI Swiftcare clinic (for VHI only) 8 am - 10 pm all year around

Affedia 365 (for Laya) 10 am - 10 pm

Bons Peadiatric assessment unit (with doctor referral) 8 am - 6 pm

I think these are all great alternatives to A&E. If your kid has a nasty chest infection, a quick blood test, chest x-ray, diagnosis all done in much quicker time than major trauma hospitals. Fall from a ladder and a broken leg, why sit in chairs for hours when you can get assessed, x-rayed, casted and out of there in approx 90 minutes? I have sat in A&E for hours on end watching people hopping in from sport with a break or a sprain knowing they will not be seen for 6/8 hours, when there are other options in the city. The urgent cases always get seen first; I stood there for an hour one day while 12 staff, Consultant, nurses etc worked to transfer my child to an ambulance. I can only assume there were many other people who all waited an extra hour that day because of my child’s urgent needs. Hospital ED are for major traumas or illnesses, where all resources are focused on saving your life.

Minor traumas, & illnesses where you may need access to diagnostic equipment or blood tests are probably better done in these clinics. Some of the main hospitals are providing these clinics in separate outreach locations too.
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