Alternatives to investment in 15 stocks

robert moon

Registered User
After 50 years working I finally hung up my boots this year. I believe we are pretty comfortable with no mortgage on our home and no mortgage on 2 rented
apartments. We also have 3 pensions between the 2 of us.

The only thing that keeps we awake ( Im a born worrier ) is that we have €250k invested in 15 stocks and when there is a major catastrophe like the invasion of Ukraine we could lose up to €30k - €50k in the blink of an eye.

Is there any other home for this nestegg ( I dont want to put it on deposit with government savings or bonds as I dont mind a little risk )

Thank you in advance.
Hi Robert,

Welcome to AAM.

The norm for availing off the Money Makeover is to complete the information suggested here. Perhaps it would help if you were to provide further info and get better advice then.