VHI Alternative to VHI for father aged 78


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my father aged 78 has received a quote for his VHI Teachers Plan for 2014. It seems to have increased by about 300 euro compared to this year. The new quote is 1370 euro

My father is in reasonable health for his age but has had a number of eye-related operations for cataracts etc. More may be necessary in the future. The operations were carried out in Dublin private hospitals as well as down the country.

Could anyone advise me about a better value plan either from VHI or from a competitor? If he were to go to a competitor is there a freeze period before claims for existing conditions are honoured? not that he has anything acute at present, but in case the eye problems need attention again.

Any help would be really appreciated.
Cannot answer as to who is most suitable,you will have to check the various policies.
I think we are all paying the extra for the loss of some of the tax relief.

There is no penalty when you change to competitor, provided you have been insured by any health insurer.
Regards Browtal