Allergy testing, any advice?

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cara mc k

Registered User
Dear AAM,

My friend thinks he may be allergic to shellfish and wants to be sure.

I know many places do allergy testing, can anyone advise where is good.
I know you can go to the Blackrock clinic in Dublin, but is there any other good places. Friend lives in the northside of Dublin.

Many thanks
Cara Mc K
Surely it would be prudent for him to ask his GP for advice and a referral?

It might be prudent, but it might also cost in the region of 50 euro.
Plus a GP will more than likely refer you to someone else or may just
prescribe anti-histamines.
GPs aren't always the best place for advice. My GP offered me botox for a migraine when I was pregnant! Depends on the type of reaction if it is a skin one then maybe a patch test can be done with dermatologist. There are other ones that are done with hair samples (be wary of these my sister got told she was allergic to underground streams???) and then there are blood tests. Sometimes an elimination diet will be suggested first. Again depends on type of allergy reaction
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