Aldi 2GB SD Card for 16.99

I would be wary, I picked up 2 of these the last time they came up about 6 months ago. in aldi. Think they were 30e at the time. One was completely unreadable about a month after I bought it and the other became unreadable after it became about 3/4 full . After trying it in 4 different readers (camera itself plus ones integrated in laptops) I finally managed to get the images off it using an external reader I had, at which stage it suddenly became readable again by all the readers plus the camera. Maybe I was just unlucky with them, still, very odd behaviour. I suppose at 16.99 you cant go too far wrong though.
I suppose at 16.99 you cant go too far wrong though.
Except if you've lost 2GB worth of photos...

I think 7dayshop's offer of a recognised brand like Kingston for £8.99/€13.50 each + p&p is hard to beat. Buy two and even with the p&p it works out marginally cheaper than two of the Aldi cards.
I'm a big fan, too. Just that in this particular instance — and for the same price — I'd go for the reputation of Kingston (whose cards, I think, boast a 'lifetime' warranty?) over a Tevion-rebranded card. No reflection on Aldi.
I've bought generic brand SD cards from 7DayShop and never had problems. These are largely commodity items at this stage and ultimately house the same flash memory chips from a handful of chip manufacturers (e.g. Samsung, Toshiba etc.). Construction quality may vary but I doubt that much. One thing to bear in mind is the relative speed of different cards and it's not always easy to determine what this is and what your device (e.g. camera) is capable of. Also - don't bother with higher capacity SD cards if your device will not benefit from them (e.g. some (older?) cameras will only use 1GB of an SD card no matter what the total capacity is. Oh - and, as ever, backup regularly!
Thought the Aldi SD cards were Sandisk but in fact Tevion...think it's better to pay a bit extra for a Sandisk as losing photos would not be an option