Airport car parking


Registered User
If you stayed at one of the airport hotels the night before you fly out for 2 weeks and get a taxi from the hotel to the terminal building, do you think you could let your car in the hotel car park for the time you are gone?
All the airport hotels provide a free shuttle bus service to and from the airport so there's not much point paying for a taxi
Most of them allow you leave the car there but for a charge. Most of them have barriers requiring validated tickets to get out so you can't just leave it there and hope it's not noticed.
Most of them allow you leave the car there but for a charge. Most of them have barriers requiring validated tickets to get out so you can't just leave it there and hope it's not noticed.
Which ones don't?
dublin carlton airport hotel have a stay park and fly deal (so google told me) click [broken link removed]. no affiliation.
Enjoy 1 nights accommodation and avail of an extra 14 nights car parking in our own private car park.
Shuttle Service Hotel/Airport always available for 205 euro per room.
hotel in airport car park at Shannon charge per day even when you are staying in hotel.
Stayed with them last Sunday night for €99 but did not avail of their parking arrangement because they charge €8.00 per day and QuickPark right next door charge €7.50 per day. Support the cheaper option even when it's negligible to increse competition

Hilton Dublin Airport (which is about 10km from the airport!?!?) do a stay and park deal. They also provide a shuttel bus and an early breakfast. I've never availed of it so I don't know if it is economical.

Or you could park at Sligo Airport where they charge €2 PER DAY but only if you are flying to Dublin or Manchester because they don't fly to anywhere else.