Airpark, Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham

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Hi Kiddo, I was aware of the regulations but it's really just the location of the toilet that is ridiculous. That's why we are trying to move it.
The first thing we did on paying booking deposit was enquire about getting the toilet removed (2 bed house has the toilet in the sitting room!) we knew it would have to be built because of regulations but we told them we were not going ahead if they didn't give us a quote for removing it. I think it's going to cost around 800 to get it removed which is very annoying considering our house isn't even started and having to pay them to knock something down you don't want built at all. However well worth it to get rid of it.

We are buying a 3 bed in airpark. We are paying an additional 450euros for a power shower in main bathroom.

Back to the main thread, I think the value is there escpecially as the garden we are getting is huge and will not be overlooked. We are already considering an extension straight away as I believe we are allowed upto 40m2 without planning. The garden must be 300m2 plus. You cant get that anywhere nowadays. Boden Heath does not offer this at all.
Same here - I think 450 for another shower to be installed in the main bathroom, same as what's in the ensuite.

Wow about your garden Ozzy.. ours is only 6m x 7m (same as the 3-bed side facing showhouse). I really like how the gardens aren't overlooked though.

It's looking good for an on-time finish for this phase I think.. our kitchen is sitting in its packaging in the house, ready to be installed.
Actually... that power shower in the bathroom and moving the downstairs loo has got me thinking - what other changes have you requested to your AirPark house ?
Our house hadn't been started and I asked would they be willing to build the base for a conservatory. He said they probably would be able to. he said it might be around €300. I thought Happy Days. He rang me back a few weeks later and said it might be dearer than he thought (something to do with the depth of concrete would have to be more), I said no problem, stick on the fax to me. Fax came through, for over €6,000. I actually laughed. 13 feet by 13 feet. I didn't even ring him back, he rang me a week later and I told him what to do with the quote. He tried to explain the reason to me why it would be so dear I said 'whatever, forget it'. If I wanted one electric shower I think the price was around €250 which I said fine, but I asked for one in the main bathroom too and was told it would be €900 for two (something to do with not being able to run two at once or something), so I'm only getting the one, not surprisingly. Can't really think of anything else. We're only buying the 2 bed so there isn't room to swing a cat never mind put anything else in...
Was up there during the week. End October is the current estimate for completion of this phase in Air Park... I'm trying to work out best timing to finish showing our current house - any suggestions.. it August too late ?
We are in the same position. We were originally told August so we put our house on in April, however I rang the foreman last week and he told me October / November so I am very reluctant to accept any offers at present. My estate agent is starting to annoy me as he's trying to force us into accepting an offer since April (for obvious reasons so he gets his fee without having to show it any more). If you make sure your solicitor has your deeds and that as much paperwork as possible is ready in anticipation you can hang on. Our solicitor just told us to keep going up and checking on the progress and give the closing 8 weeks to be on the safe side. He said with a new house you can always delay it with the snags etc. I know it's nerve racking but I think it's going to be November at the earliest and it could be later (our current house was 7 months later than we were told). All depends I suppose on whether you get an offer you're happy with I suppose...
Anyone know how the front gardens will be finished for us? Do they plant shrubs and stuff like at the showhouse, or will they leave it up to ourselves?
6000E seems steep. A lot of the ground up there is made ground (especially in gardens), so foundations would have to be set deeper etc to obtain adequate bearing. He was probably just covering himself.

Additional pump is required for power shower hence the cost. One pump probably not powerful enough to provide adequate pressure if both showers are in use. Bathrooms are also some distance from storage unit where pump is situated.

Not sure about front gardens, ours just has weeds and grass in it at mo, although house is basically right on pavement....

Hoping to get in by September.
What type of house did you go for ozzy ? Are you going to go with the extension straight away - a sunroom or something ?
Am wondering how to access public transport from Air Park. Does anyone know if there's plans to:

- Have a Dublin Bus Route that goes up Stocking Lane?
- Build a footpath connecting all of Stocking Lane to Scholarstown Road?
- Have pedestrian access from Air Park through Woodfield so that you could walk to the 15 bus stop?

Hi all.
Was delighted to see a thread completely dedicated to Air Park. I have just put a deposit on a 3-bed side facing house there and am going through the usual nervy doubty phase that no doubt many of you are going through or have gone through!!

Judging by the threads, it seems that the completion date is now being stretched to November? But I'm afraid that in 'builder-speak' that could be Christmas or the New Year! Am I being paranoid?

Also, for those who are at a more advanced stage than me, what are the suppliers like to deal with and have you any more details about the management company/fees etc?

At least one thing is certain - if this thread is anything to go by, we should have a great residents' association when we eventually move in!!!

I have the management fees for the first year somewhere in an e-mail in work, I'll try and find it. I don't suppose there's any way of knowing when the houses will really be ready though, I went up there today for a look. Builder's holidays coming up soon too. I hope it doesn't drag on till after Christmas though. You're not being paranoid though, it's always later than they say.

The tiling place were really helpful and friendly. The fireplace not so good, we weren't willing to add any extra money to the budget and she told us there was only one fireplace available for the budget which we didn't like. We told her we wouldn't bother we would just buy our own in Homebase or somewhere and she miraculously came up with another fireplace which 'exactly matched our budget', so we took it. Not mad about it, it's okay, but just simply haven't got a spare grand to throw on a fireplace and sick of forking out for extras when the houses are dear enough as it is.
Hi Imd,

Thanks for the reply. You are obviously at a more advanced stage than me - my house is only up to first floor level and the auctioneer is still telling me it will be ready by October!!!!

Thanks for the tip re: fireplace. It is a bit strange that they only have one fireplace within the allowance. But then again, that is rip-off Ireland for ya!!
That's gas (if you excuse the pun) that you didn't think much ofthe fireplaces on offer either.. we decided not to buy a fireplace from them at all.. didn't care much for the "add 2 grand to the budget" attitude of the salesperson we were dealing with.

The tiling crowd were nice alright, if a little lacking in variety of tiles - everthing seems to be varying shades of beige! Lovely tiles though. I found it very hard to stray from the tiles that were in the showhouse as I thought they were really striking.

The wardrobe people have a huge selection, but beware of making too many changes - each change you make from what's in the showhouse incurs a €60 admin fee. They can make you up lockers, chests of drawers etc. to match your wardrobes if you like.

Kitchen crowd were nice too. My only beef with them was that they can't install a mitred (invisible) join in the counter top - they can only do joins in the counter top using those metal joining bar things.. bit disappointing.

What number are you popcorn? The builder told me that they'd be on track for mid-end Oct for the houses up near the nursing home, but that the houses closer to Woodfield estate would be later.

They're taking their holidays the second 2 weeks in July, but I understand that some of the tradespeople will continue working through the holidays, so things won't grind to a complete halt.
Just looked at the South Dublin County Council website and see that planning has been for a big development of 426 homes around the site of the reservoir on Stocking Lane with entrances off Stocking Lane and Scholarstown Road. So I guess some of the houses in Air Park will back onto this new development. Wonder when they're planning on starting/finishing.
I really hope they invent a new bus route for the area !
Hi itsmine.

The hilarious thing about the fireplace nonsense is that many people will opt for a gas fire (much cleaner!) so they won't need a traditional fireplace. A surround will do just fine. That is what I did in my current house - popped down to Homebase, got a fabulous pine surround for e120 and nobody can tell the difference. For the Airpark allowance of e1,300 - I am expecting a butler to light it every evening for me!!!

And as for the e60 administration fee for alterations to the wardrobes - why should I be surprised.

My 'soon to be house' is just opposite the entrance to the Nursing Home so does that mean that it will be finished by the end of October?

You are right about the bus route - the fact that it will be dangerous to walk up to Airpark with no footpath makes it even more important to have a bus that services Stocking Lane.
Oh that is funny - 'everthing seems to be varying shades of beige', you are right. But we also nearly went for the same as the showhouse as the showhouse was so nice. I am sure they will extend one of the existing buses, as there are going to be so many houses up there too [broken link removed] also.
popcorn said:
My 'soon to be house' is just opposite the entrance to the Nursing Home so does that mean that it will be finished by the end of October?

I know the one you mean - and afaik they're planning on having it done with the next release which is mid to end Oct. Keep in touch with the builder and see what he says. They're making pretty good progress with your house - the road used to go straight through there until a few weeks ago ! I've been keeping an eye on it as it's interesting seeing how our house which is the same type was constructed
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