Affordable Housing


Registered User
Is there any central list to find out how many people are on the affordable housing list for each county in Ireland?

Have a figure for Cork City as 5,000 but then don't know if the list for Cork County is divided up into the different urban councils are there is a single figure.

Can anyone shed any light here?

I wouldnt say so as its probably deemed private information as alot of people wont admit to being on the affordable housing scheme, but being that the criteria pretty much includes every individual in Ireland I'd say most people are on the list. The criteria to being qualified to get on the AH panel isnt exactly selective.
I wouldnt say so as its probably deemed private information

That doesn't mean the numbers aren't available. They might not be held centrally, but it's something that a TD could probably still find out through a parliamentary question.
hi all
applied to ebs for a mortgage approval, waiting for a reply fingers x what should i do next? need advice.