Affordable Housing - Eden Cork

i drove past caseys land not long ago and no one was in the houses and they were given out last august i seems they assign a house and then couldnt careless how long they make people wait.must be frustrating waiting nearly a year to move in.
i drove past caseys land not long ago and no one was in the houses and they were given out last august i seems they assign a house and then couldnt careless how long they make people wait.must be frustrating waiting nearly a year to move in.

That is pretty unbelievable isn't it? I had presumed that they would have been totally sorted at this stage.

Just shows how long we'll have to wait for the next few allocations to be finalised...
Has anybody had a Snag List done on their allocated apartment?
Just wondering if any major issues have arisen?
Our snags being done this week and apparently they have 14 days to fix it then. Is that right? If that is the case it shouldn't be too long before we're in them, we're thinking it could be around six weeks time. Fingers crossed anyways.
Hi, Does anybody know what the energy rating of the apartments are?

We bought down there and I have had a chance to look around.
I don't know what the energy rating is but I believe it should be good. The windows are Vista Therm Elite (I pulled a sticker off one of the windows to check). Here is a link to the blurb on those
[broken link removed]
The attics are well insulated and the walls are standard insulated cavity so they should be OK.

Developers/builders only have to produce an energy rating for new houses going on sale after Jan 1 07 all property new and secondhand going on sale after 2009 has to be certified.

Anyway good luck with your new apartment.
How did you manage to get a viewing - I have been ringing and ringing but I never get a reply! I got offered one too by the way!
Buck, We bought one of the 4 bed houses and got the keys two weeks ago and are in the process of kitting the place out so I'm in and out most days at the minute.
To be honest I think its a disgrace that they won't allow viewings to anyone who has been offered an apartment.
But I've noticed that the security guards were not stopping people from walking in and around the estade last weekend, but obviously you can't get into the actual apartments. Park the car outside the gate and amble in.
To try and answer an earlier query, the apartments at the South End of the site (facing the wall where the new office block/shop is being built) seem to be ready for occupation with the apartments that extend along the west boundry progressing well (maybe 1 to two months off tops). I don't know how the numbering system there is working though so can't tell you precisely what ones are ready.
From what I've seen through the windows the finishes on the affordable apartments are as described on earlier posts. The back gardens in the ground floor 2 beds are fairly big.
If anyone has any other specific query I'll see if I can answer it.
The ground floor apts are 3-bed: had snag list done...very damp walls and ceilings. Mildew spots everywhere, freshly painted in some areas to hide the obvious recommended at least 2 weeks drying out with de-humidifiers in every room before re-painting.

All internal doors, window sills require re-sanding and re-painting...architraves and skirting mitres need re-caulking and re-painting also...

Some damage to external concrete sills and fencing, etc...also very curious Electrical Distribution Board set-up, all to be identified and labelled...

Anyone have other issues....
How did you manage to get a viewing - I have been ringing and ringing but I never get a reply! I got offered one too by the way!

If you were offered an apt the CCC should have called to give you the site manager's mobile number to arrange a viewing. This all took place 3 weeks ago....

She had arranged for a couple of viewings with groups of 20 or so...
Thanks for the replies spuds and passat. I finally got through today and was given the girls phone number. I was only offered the apartment the other day hence why I am only looking for a viewing now. I am presuming someone must have deceided not to take one! Great for me! Passat your snag list sounds a bit worrying, I am presuming the walls were damp as the plaster was not given enough time to dry? How come you have to do your own snag list - I would have though the council would do this before handing over the properties.

We're getting ours done tomorrow. Will let ye know the outcome. For all the affordable housing you get your own snag done. I think it's better that way because i wouldn't be comfortable with the builders doing it themselves. I'd much prefer arrange all that myself and really go into the nitty gritty things that the would probably by-pass. Good look with the viewing anyway.
Thanks princessl. Thinking about it, it probably is a good idea to get our own snag list done. I had a stroll down the alley behind the apartments their a minute ago. That is assuming I am thinking of the right ones! They look lovely - a good bit of work seems to need to be done yet though. I would imagine it will be summer before they are done. There seems to be people dumping rubbish up against the fence at the back also. I dont think that would fall under the remit of the management company. Hopefully it wont continue. Good luck with the snag.
Hi. Got the snag done earlier today. Basically the same issues as you Passat - Damp walls, paint peeling, some dodgey workmanship here and there. The engineer said he'd do a better job painting the place himself. When we saw the showhouse a few weeks ago i'm convinced that the doors inside were beech but in our apartment they are all plain white, alot cheaper looking (correct me if i'm wrong). I'm hoping they don't clash terribly with wooden floors!! The front of the apartment needs to be tidied up good plus there were one or two issues with the kitchen that needs to be rectified. Basically there is a long list of issues that need to be rectified.
Thanks Bubblebunny, I was shocked to get offered one. I still have to get a mortgage though so fingers crossed. Do you have your name down with the council for Douglas - they would be fantastic properties to get. Princessl - is there a floor covering at the moment?