Health Insurance Affidea to take on VHI swiftcare Clinics


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It's just a proposal at the moment... but please bump thread if you hear of any progress on this plan:

The Irish arm of European healthcare clinic chain Affidea is planning to invest €25m here over the next couple of years as it expands its number of clinics and rolls out new patient services. Affidea Ireland, which already has 10 full-service clinics in Ireland will open new outlets in Galway and Limerick, and is also eyeing smaller clinics in Midlands towns. And in a move set to bring it in direct competition with the VHI Swiftcare clinics in Dublin and Cork, Affidea Ireland is also going to start treating minor injuries and ailments at some of its outlets by the end of the year, according to CEO Tom Finn. VHI announced in June that it is to close its three clinics in Dublin and Cork to non-VHI members from September 1.