advice re asking landlord for deposit back after leaving


Registered User
A friend of mine recently moved out of rented accomodation - lease had finished and landlord gave reference for new place. However no deposit has been returned yet.

When landlord inspected house on last day they said it was filthy. It wasnt. Friend had cleaned thoroughly and got a cleaner in too. Landlord said friend should ask cleaner for the money back!

Anyhow, as the landlord ranted on and on, friend advised that they would just read the meter and left mid-rant.

Friend is reluctant now to make contact and says they want no more dealings with landlord.

Friend has always found landlord difficult - when washing machine broke they said friend had used it too much and so woudlnt replace it even though it was old when they moved in; didnt provide smoke alarms when friend noticed there were none and asked, and there were many agressive phone conversations e.g. when no washing machine was forthcoming the PRTB was mentioned and landlord said "Dont you dare - I'll wipe the floor with you!"

Its not like friend can afford to leave behind a months rent (plus a washing machine that is only a few months old!) and I am advising they make contact re the deposit by email or text if they dont want to speak. (They seem to be afraid to do so or too exasperated, I dont know which).

House would genuinely have been clean - and no damage other than general wear and tear. Friend has a toddler so walls may have been grubby in patches but not drawn on or anything and couch was a bit threadbare in patches but from genuine use and it was old to start with. Wouldnt most landlords consider this to be normal wear and tear?

Anyhow, just wondering does anyone have any good advice that I could share with my friend?
PRTB? Check if the landlord is registered... if not they are in big trouble and your friend has them over a barrel.
landlord is required to return the deposit "promptly". However, there is no definition of promptly in the 2004 Act and a maximum of one month would normally be considered at the outside.

Just raise a claim with the PRTB for the unjustifiable retention of the deposit and also claim for damages for stress, inconvenience and loss of use of the deposit money.