advice on properties


a question

original property ftb 189,000 euro.purchased june 2004, not fully built yet,now worth 210,000.
investment property,purchased with partner nov 2004 195,000 euro, now worth 250,000 not built until dec 2005. my questions, what stamp duty will i be liable to pay?easy rental for either houses,can i avoid cgt if i wish to rent one or other for a while and then sell? can they claw back stamp duty on first house? what would people reccomend in this situation as i can live in either house? don't ask how i got into this situation.. long story
Hi AQ,

Your question is very confusing. Perhaps you could clarify.

Are these sites that you are buying and building on? Or perhaps you are purchasing existing properties and then renovating them.

both properties currently being built in estates. one is almost at snag list stage,the other is up to roof level.. it does not make any major difference if i sell one or rent out one or in which sequence,however i must keep one to live in?? sorry about not being clearer earlier.....
If you rent out the first house you will be hit by the stamp duty clawback and will have to pay whatever stamp duty an investor would have paid upon purchase.

One house will be your PPR - so if you decide to sell the other house you will be liable for CGT on any profit you have made in selling it.