Advice on bidding on / buying a fixer upper


Registered User
Hi there,

We are looking around for a house at the moment and have found a fixer-upper that seems to tick all the boxes in terms of what we are looking for.

Its an executor sale, has been on the market since April. No offers to date, they just reduced the asking price by 40K but its still high for us, especially in terms of the work that needs to be done.

We are thinking of putting together a list of what needs to be done, and asking a builder to come to a viewing with us and give us an estimated cost for the works,which would give us some guidance on what we can afford to bid.

Is this an okay approach, or would anyone have some advice who might have gone through the process?
thread in wrong forum

Just realised that this is in the wrong forum, should be in the general mortgages one. Have tried, but amn't able to move it, would appreciate it if a moderator could......
