Advice needed re pregnancy and accepting new job.


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Have just been offerde a job with a Firm who I presently do contract ork for. Its a very good package.

However, I am almost 5 months pregnant.

Should I tell them now or wait until I have signed contracts?

What legal complications are there?
You're under no obligations to tell a potential employer that you're pregnant. It's illegal for them to discriminate against you in any way.

I would inform them once contracts are signed. That way, they can plan for your absence. (If they look surprised, I'd say.."what, you mean you couldn't tell?!" :-D )
I also think that you should tell them soon afterwards. Employers should not discriminate, but offers are known to evaporate into thin air when a pregnancy is mentioned (not always, but it does happen unfortunately). Sign contracts first.
If you want to be professional about it and maintain the good relations you already have, I would be inclined to tell them.

I think deep down you know this, that is why you are asking. We all know the legal situation blah blah balh..... but there are other considerations.

They will think a lot more of you for your honesty and you will likely be retained on contract and still get the job when you are finished maternity.

So it's a win win .
Tell the employer now.

You are not covered by Unfair Dismissal Act while on probation.

You could suggest starting the new position post maternity leave.
You are not covered by Unfair Dismissal Act while on probation.

But you are covered by the Employment Equality Acts on probation. These Acts outlaw discrimination on grounds of family status or gender etc.

All this is true and correct.

For a good company, it should not matter. Maternity leave is only a small part of working life and they would not dream of withdrawing the offer.

On the other hand, there may suddenly be some 'restructuring' and the role may vanish. It happens. In which case, it is a win-lose rather than a win-win.
I would wait untill the contract is signed before i would say anything. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush they say .........

If they are that way inclined they will do the "restructuring" anyway because they will be annoyed at the dishonesty.
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I would say be honest and tell them. I got offered a job last week and I'm also pregnant, 2 months, which is an even longer wait than in your case, I told them straight away and they had no problem with it.