Advice needed re estate agent: Selling house pitch low or pitch high?


Registered User
Hi, we're looking to sell our home and upgrade to a 4 bed. We've seen two 4 beds in the same estate and and subsequently had both respective EA's dealing with those sales to our own house for a valuation/chat. One of them is DNG and the other Castle. Both were very impressed with our own house, has a large extension and big back garden.

The guy from DNG, whilst a quiet enough guy seemed decent & straight enough, no hard sales talk just plain talking, said his gut instinct would be that our house would sell in 2-3 wks and for maybe as much as €460k-€470k (other 3 beds in the estate are guiding around €435k), he'd pitch at €450k.

The guy from Castle was on the other hand, a real talker, full of sales gab, enthusiastic etc. but his methodology is to put the house up for €480k to test the water and assess interest and should nothing happen a week later reduce that amount to say €440k and take it from there, I'm dubious about doing that (btw, did a search on this forum for Castles and saw a previous poster talk about this) as I feel it may look bad on the property?

I should also mention - the 4 bed we viewed which he was selling was priced at €560k last week and is now being reduced by about €40k.

Just confused now as to what to do ... what do you think, particularly in light what seems to be a quietening in the property market?

Also, it is adviseable or not to deal through the same EA when buying & selling or might it be a conflict of interest?

Sorry for being long-winded :), just a bit green under the collar as haven't had to do all this before, we bought our first house off plans. DNG are charging .8% + VAT & Inc. Advert. - Castle are charging 1.1% + VAT & Inc. Advert.

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Re: Advice needed re Estate Agent

Hi Moneypit, We moved mid May and engaged ,shall we say XYZ as the agent to sell our little castle. Although told that the propery "would fly" it was many months before it sold (put on market Sept. sold Feb), Anyway, late in the day, we discovered that the couple buying our house had,in fact engaged XYZ
Re: Advice needed re Estate Agent

Hi, Sorry ,hit the wrong button again, Must be the late hour. Anyway the couple buying our house had engaged XYZ to sell their house and look for another for them. The point is ,I was never really sure whether XYZ looked for the best price for us from the couple or looked for the lowest price for this couple at our expense. So , I would not advise using the same agent as for starters he will know how much you have to spend and will settle for a sale for yours with this in mind instead of pushing a bit higher
Re: Advice needed re estate agent

Thanks Frando. We went with DNG, and glad now, when the guy in Castle heard he wasn't too impressed and slated DNG over the phone which I felt was unprofessional of him.
Re: Advice needed re estate agent

I think people should start considering selling their own properties. I have yet to come across a competent estate agent, at least one that could actually answer a single question about the property they're selling.
Re: Advice needed re estate agent

Viewed a few houses over the past couple of weeks in the South Dublin area. The greeting at the door from the estate agent varied from over the top "have a nice day" type of greeting to "Doh".
On one day it was teeming down with rain. One estate agent had put mats down to protect the vendors cream carpets. Another estate from the same estate agency did absolutely nothing to protect the vendors cream carpets. In fact when I pointed it out to her she said, Oh! It's up to the vendor to provide mats! The persons carpets were destroyed.
This apartment was for sale for €950k. With the estate agents commission coming in at about €14k I think they could have provided a few mats to protect their customers carpets.
Re: Advice needed re estate agent

Moneypit, from your descriptions of the EA's I bet I know exactly who you are talking about from each agency. Feel free to PM me, I'll give you my experience of both so far.
Moneypit has asked two specific questions:

Should they pitch low as advised by DNG or should they pitch high as advised by Castle?

Should they engage the same EA for buying and selling?
