Advice? Footpaths have green "algae" ?



Having powerwashed my footpaths in Sep last,
it did not take long for the surface to take on
a green colour. There are fir trees nearby, if
that might have anything to do with it.

Any advice on a solution to this ?
Any product to recommend to apply to the
path (having powerwashed them again of course).

In Ireland with our damp water algae I think will always grow. Its just cause of where we live..hard to defeat something thats been around a few hundred million years. I think areas with less sun are more prone to it as they are damper longer etc. i think power washing frequently, as well as scrubbing down with wire brush/jayes fluid is the only way.
This is one I have seen suggested elsewhere:
"Wash down the affected area with a dilute solution (1 part in 10) of
household bleach once a month. That will deter the algae."

having said that, its not so environmentally friendly...
Twas from the guy who runs that site that I got my answer...emailed him, thats what he said to me to do...I had asked him in terms of a patio!

"Wash down the affected area with a dilute solution (1 part in 10) of
household bleach once a month. That will deter the algae."
I use Moss Go or Moss Kill - one is slightly dearer than the other. Spary on, leave a few days and powerhose off again. I also use washing crystals and scrub with yard brush before powerhosing. BTW too much powerhoseing may be bad for your paths.