Advantage of geographic number over 076 number?


Registered User

We have been using Blueface for our home phone (with NTL broadband) for the last while, with a geographic number on a pay as you go basis which has worked out very cheaply.

They have just told us that we shouldn't have had a geographic number with pay as you go and if we want to keep it, we will have to pay 10e a month (which will also give us 300 minutes free calls).

We can stay as pay as you go, but only with an 076 number.

Is there any advantage to having a geographic (01 for Dublin) number?

They have just told us that we shouldn't have had a geographic number with pay as you go and if we want to keep it, we will have to pay 10e a month (which will also give us 300 minutes free calls).
Why did they only notice this discrepancy now? What do the terms & conditions of your agreement with them say about such matters?
Is there any advantage to having a geographic (01 for Dublin) number?
People who call you may have to pay less perhaps?
When we signed with Blueface, we got a geographic number for a trial period, I think it was for the first 6 months.

I haven't checked the terms and conditions, but they have assured me that they state what they are telling us now. They said that their system only picked up the discrepancy recently.

They have told me that you can call an 076 number from anywhere in Ireland (landline) for the price of a local call, so it would work out cheaper for our families who live outside Dublin to call us.

That is why I am tempted just to forget about the 01 number and keep the 076 one.

Just wanted to check if i was missing anything.