Adamstown Prices

Thanks for that .. i've only been following the property section for the last year so unfortunately i haven't experienced the "new planned town" hype before. I genuinely thought this was the first planned town. I didn't know Ongar was marketed as the same! I'm be so in the know by the time i can actually afford a house

Just from talking to people from Ratoath - Garda stations unfortunately aren't things you can plan like schools. You have to get your local TDs to push for it based on population etc. It's something like one garda for every hundred thousand people i think

As for community spirit i was kinda hoping that Adamstown would be bought out by all us culchies who had to move to Dublin for jobs! Then we could have all our GAA pitches, name our houses "Birr" and have the craic! Like a mini culchie village except really close to Dublin! We could even see if we could move Flannerys on Harcourt street out there!!
Well if you moved Flannery's to Adamstown you'd then have something like 1 garda per person and there'd be no problem
icantbelieve said:
First off I'm not from Lucan so I don't have any "oh old Lucan used to be great" grudge but how people can consider anything on that side of the dual carriageway Lucan is beyond me. Its like .

..That side of the carriageway as you call it has been part of lucan for 100's of years before there was any carriageway, you should really do a bit of research.
And the "oh old Lucan...grudge" bit??? I dont know any lucanites who feel that way, its a better village now than it ever was, more lively, thriving small busineses in the main street, newly renovated park and good lively pubs.

I think what your maybe trying to talk about is an estate called "Earlsfort" near Clondalkin which was changed from Clondalkin to Lucan <potentially defamatory comment removed by >.
rpmacmurphy said:
.. <potentially defamatory comment removed by >.

Dr.. that story was in the papers a while back resulting from evidence in the tribunals
Fine, rp, then let the paper or the tribunal's lawyers stand over it. It's not AAM/Brendan's problem.

See . I tried to pm you, but you seem to have disabled pms.
DrMoriarty said:
Fine, rp, then let the paper or the tribunal's lawyers stand over it. It's not AAM/Brendan's problem.

See . I tried to pm you, but you seem to have disabled pms.

No probs, though i think u need to chill with the smart reply, i didnt say it was anyones problem, i simply said it was in the papers.
I wasn't trying to be smart, just pointing out the guideline you'd breached. If you want to accuse someone of criminal activity, an anonymous post on a voluntarily-run bulletin board is not the way to do it.
Ok, seeing as this hasn't been split into a different thread, I know that the townland of Lucan stretched on that side of the road, same as Castleknock stretched out further than the village, and that this is how developers can get away with tagging it onto the address. Same as for the blur between where Swords and Malahide begins/ends as well I'm sure as various areas on the southside.
However, the road is there now and has formed a new boundary, facilities have sprung up on the other side of the road and traffic within Lucan village is so bad that only those who have to drive through it. Of course the shops and pubs in the village are thriving, they're serving a massive market.
Just because you don't know any doesn't mean there aren't any old "Lucanites" who feel that the village has been badly affected by the crappy planning decisions taken in the area and aren't too happy that competition from across the carriageway means that places in Lucan schools (those actually near the village) are hard to come by. Or do you actually think that all the notorious tribubal investigated development was planned responsibly and effectively.
Long before Adamstown came into view the area on the other side of the road should have been reclassified and provided with their own properly planned village and amenities rather than the concrete jungle with small shopping precincts dotted here and there. The fact is Laurghacon (spelling?) is more Lucan than the other side of the carriageway as its allowed the village to balance out over the river a bit.
That's my opinion and without living there I've spent a lot of my life in Lucan and the general area, nearly bought in Finnstown when it first was developed and felt at the time that it wasn't Lucan.
These points have been made many times before with the general opinion reflecting the fact that if you're not within a reasonable distance of the village then that name shouldn't be used on the address.

Could you enlighten us all and tell us how many minutes walk from the village would you consider to be "Lucan"

I thought I've been living in Lucan for the last 10 years (Finnstown Abbey).

Please give me some positive news. Mrs. Donking will be devasted if I have to tell her we don't live in Lucan.
Have you all read the "fine print" regarding the traveller sites ?

Checked it out on the plans for confirmation ( The traveller sites are marked in pink)
I have nothing agaist travellers but would be concerned that Adamstown will turn into another overcrowded estate in years to come.

Dont get me started on the traffic....................
I've just located Finnstown Abbey on the map, you are kidding me aren't you, you go past a school, a shopping centre, a college, a church all before you even get to the dual carriageway. So in reality you have to walk through one village in order to get to the one around which you base your address.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Finnstown but its not the association with Lucan demense that added thousands to your house price. Before all the new-ish developments what was attractive about Lucan was the village and the rural feel so close to the city which the area inside the carriageway still enjoys. Why do you think a semi-detached 3 bed house is looking for 455k in Esker Lawns when a 4 bed semi is 420k in your estate.
Developers should not have been allowed add thousands to the price of houses just because of a tenuous link to a more desireable area.
The good news is that the likelihood of this changing is slim to none so Mrs. DonKing can keep putting Lucan on the invitations to candlelight supper ;-)
icantbelieve said:
These points have been made many times before with the general opinion reflecting the fact that if you're not within a reasonable distance of the village then that name shouldn't be used on the address.
I know that I said I'd say no more on the matter but you're using more funny logic. My address is Johnsbridge, Lucan, Co Dublin. I can walk to the village in 20 minutes. It is by far the closest village to me. I use it to dine out, drink out, bank and get me hair cut. It would take me well over 90 minutes to walk to Clondalkin, Newcastle, or Leixlip. If I do not have "Lucan" in my address how will my post be delivered?
Just to get back to Adamstown. I think the planners/developers have done the opposite of what you are suggesting(tagging estates onto the Lucan address). They have hoodwinked people into believing that it is a total seperate entity to Lucan when in actual fact it is smack in the middle of it.
Please keep the discussion on topic. The wider Lucan issues can be discussed as a separate topic.

Please keep the discussion on topic. Thanks.

On that sensible note, I see in today's Times that everyone who turned up yesterday would get a property even if the agent had to put extra units up for sale. This means:

A) There was no need to queue
B) The developers are happy to sell as much stock as they can at today's prices.
C) After all the hype, it doesn't exactly look oversubscribed.

Went down to view these showhouses yesterday. Just wondered did anybody go and have a look?? Didn't think much of them. Very small and closed in. Also very expensive for what you are getting. Interested to hear what anybody else thinks.
are the showhouses going to be open all weekend? Or is everything sold out at this stage?
I think the showhouses are open till next Wednesday. Not sure if they are still units to be sold though.
Not sure if everything is sold out at this stage, even though there were big queues down there yesterday. I would be surprised if they were all sold out.
I popped in yesterday to have a look. I was actually impressed with the size of the houses.

However they do seem way over priced for timber framed houses and teeny garderns.