Accounting package with remote access


Registered User
I was wondering if there was a package that allows remote access to accountancy software packages? The reason why is that we are researching accountancy packages that will allow us to raise and issue invoices while out of the office and in the field. Then the system in the office is then updated with the new invoices that have been issued.
Something like Goldmine can intergrate with Sage Line 50 to do such.
Our accounting firm uses a twinfield backend on the website - i won't put the name here as its shameless self promotion - but you can have a look at the software on Twinfield -
you can log in from any web browser - as long as you have internet - I think it would be ideal for your situation,
pm for more details if your interested
Thanks for the Twinfield link. i was speaking to them yesterday and will have an on line demo next week.