Accidents at Work and Your Welfare Entitlements


Registered User
You may be interested to know that apart from Illness Benefit and Disablement Benefit - you are also entitled to Medical Care if you have an accident at work. For social welfare purposes an accident at work also means vehicular accidents that have occurred on your way to work. Under the Medical Care Scheme - insured persons are entitled to a full refund from the Department of GP fees, public A&E and inpatient fees, all travel expenses incurred to and from the place of treatment including the GP (make note of milage and keep receipts for taxies, parking and toll bridge fees), medication fees, and other treatment that is prescribed including appliances. If services are not met under the Health Acts, you are also entitled to claim these fees. For example, if you need counselling or psychological therapy - you are entitled to go private and reclaim these fees. If you have any problems in relation to this scheme - submit an appeal to the nominated officer - and if disallowed - make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman investigated this scheme and reported its findings in 2000 - as above is what one was found to be entitled to.