ABP how long for decision?


Registered User
My planning pemission was granted by the co co but has been appealed to An BP. I have replied with my submission and now nothing can else can be submitted unless the Bord request it. It is another 3+mths before their decision is due.
Do they usually take the full length of time or in the case of a reasonably straight forward (I think) appeal do they make the deision earlier?


in my experience, they usually take longer than the specified time, they usually delay it by a couple of months.

though im used to seeing that with blocks of apartments and retail developments in the city centre so it may be a little quicker with one off residential developments.

I have never seen them take less that the four months deliberation period. I have seen them extend this period to eight using two extensions on one Appeal I monitored in the last five years. ABP extending the period to more than four months is more the norm in my experience.

I suppose it was too much to hope for that a public body would do anything faster than was necessary......
If it has been appealed by a third party and it seems a reasonable appeal or contains issues you could deal with on a personal level, you could offer to meet to resolve these issues with the benefit to you that if you entering a binding agreement they could with draw their appeal. The original permission will stand.