Abbey Travel Charging for Consultations/Advice

Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

But why do they have to pretend ? Can't they just walk in and see what kind of deal Abbey can offer them ? Noone would walk blindly into a deal without first examining it and comparing it to other deals.

Except KelAl who obviously feels duty bound to accept the first offer that is put to him, including the purchase of a car
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

What has this to do with anything? The €35 "consultation fee" is credited against the cost of the holiday once booked.

A fee which I am presuming they will keep even if they cant find you a suitable holiday ?

The overall cost of the holiday is unaffected, as is Abbey Travel's commission.

So I therefore see no cost advantage for me as a consumer to do any business with them.

It would make more sense for them to announce that holidays booked online are discounted. This is a rational practice of companies such as Tesco (car insurance), Ryanair and Aerlingus among others.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

What has this to do with anything? The €35 "consultation fee" is credited against the cost of the holiday once booked. The overall cost of the holiday is unaffected, as is Abbey Travel's commission.

Why should I pay for a service that they might not be able to provide???? If I ask for a certain hotel and they say they don't deal with that one, can I walk out with my €35??
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes


Except KelAl who obviously feels duty bound to accept the first offer that is put to him, including the purchase of a car

You give them eyes but they cannot see...

As I've said a few times this €35 charge has been brought about by dishonest pseudo-customers. Nobody is suggesting there should be a charge for a quote, e.g. how much is a flight to Malaga?
The issue is using a travel consultant, getting information and taking up someones time under false pretences.
I don't accept the first offer put to me...and I don't waste people's time.

The issue is people who are going to buy their holiday online but need information pretending they are a potential customer in a brick and mortar travel agent. i.e. wasting other people's time, being a spoofer, telling lies.
That is what's led to this €35 charge.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

What evidence do you have that people do this? Could it not be a case of people going to three different agents, asking for ideas and quotes and choosing the best one. What is dishonest about that?
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

All i cant believe is that a simple ranting post has now got 85 posts !!!!! Obviously people (YES KaLeL not you) do feel the same way I did at the time and at the end of the day it is down to everyone what they do about it but I simply think its wrong. I am a consulatant and always meet new clients and give them my time with a view to drumming up business, this may even include dinners etc etc. If i dont get business i dont send them a bill.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

Originally posted by KalEl
I don't accept the first offer put to me...and I don't waste people's time.

Maybe not the first offer but by your reasoning you will be morally obliged to accept one of the offers of the Travel "consultant" even if it doesnt suit your needs, otherwise you will be leaving the shop without making a purchase i.e. wasting their time. How someone can try to charge like this is beyond me, I agree that there may be a problem with people trying to get information and then booking online but this seems more like a case of the Travel Agents allowing these people to ruin it for themselves rather than anything else. There is no way I would pay 35 even to get detailed information if I was planning a holiday unless it was refundable given the case that they cannot find me exactly what I want, and the actions of the staff in Abbey leave a lot to be desired..
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

Ditto...can't believe there are so many posts (to which I am adding ). It's a simple choice...if you're happy you pays your moneys, if not there's heaps of competition. Some things you just have to pay's like using the internet if you're sick as opposed to going to the doctor.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

You give them eyes but they cannot see...

To be honest, I dont get your point at all.

I am a professional buyer and would never expect to have to pay a potential supplier to provide me with a quotation for any product/service I wish to buy.

I mearly specify what I want and ask them to submit a price. Quiet often a supplier, who will have a better knowledge of the area, will suggest alterations to my specification that will still suit my requirements.

I may use this new information in the future or with other suppliers and would not feel "dishonest" in the least. I will use it to get the best deal possible and do not think that it is against any ethical values I have learned in over 20 yeras as a purchaser.

It is up to suppliers to attract a buyer and the thought of having to pay a supplier to quote me is laughable to be honest. I dont care if they feel I am wasting their time or not. If their product/service is up to standard they will get the business, if it is not they wont. I will not pay for the privilage of finding that out.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

I think the OP should write to abbey travel and show the invoice for the holiday they eventually booked. If enough people do this then Abbey can work out cost/benefit for the charge and if the business they lose is worth the 35 charge for those that book. Personally I wouldn't pay it, thats just my personal opinion, i'm not a dishonest pretend booker or anything like that (going on early posts here). Just feel that if i'd to pay it I would feel obliged to book there, I'd rather go to someone else for a quote and help. Its like when i'm on holidays and the touts are trying to entice you into pubs/restaurants, I don't like feeling pressured into some situations and avoid them and go to the pub/restaurant with no pressure involved.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

I think that in your list of timewasters, spoofers and liars you also included people who test drive cars.

One can only assume that you know a lot of people of dubious character.

I can assure you that if I test drive a car it is for the right reasons and not for a free ride. Similarly if I go into any shop and look for a price it is so that I can decide for myself which is the best deal for ME to spend MY money on.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

Has anyone thought of emailing Abbey travel with a link to this post?...
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

OK, I'll try and make it even simpler...

Going to any business and pretending you're interested in buying something purely to get information when in reality you know you will be purchasing it elsewhere=bad and dishonest

Asking for a quotation or price=perfectly fine

This has nothing to do with shopping around or pricing things...that's a red herring. Some people don't seem to understand what's being discussed here.

The issue was not Abbey Travel looking for €35 before they'd give someone a quote for a flight to Malaga. Their policy seems to be if you want to discuss a holiday (when's the best time to go, recommend a hotel, tell you what vaccinations you need etc etc) then you pay €35 which is redeemable against the holiday if you purchase it.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

I must be stupid because I still don't understand what you are saying. How can it not limit or discourage shopping around for the best holiday if you have to pay €35 to discuss it with an agent. I book long haul holidays every year to different 'exotic' locations around the world and always use agents. I have never thought about using an agent and then booking on the internet and no-one I know has either. But I have gone to two or three different agents and discussed what I wanted and what they recommended and prices etc. Believe it not, the web does not always contain true and accurate information. I then choose the one that suited me best at the best price. If every travel agent followed abbey travel, I would be losing €70 just for wanting different ideas before I choose where to spend my money.

Anyway think we will just have to agree to disagree on this one!!!
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

have people gone mad on here....

i recently test drove a 04 bmw in my local garage and then went to england to buy the same model.. cleared the vrt and still saved 5k...

should i go back to my local garage and give them som of the money i saved... i think not...

some people have more money than sense !!!!!
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

oh Legend beware the rath of Kalel who will surley tell you what he thinks of you...........
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

Customer: Hi, I'd like to ask about a trip to the US for myself and my Partner. I've never been there before. I don't have a computer so i cant do research on line. What can you offer?

AT: I'm sorry but you will have to give me €70 before I can discuss it.

Customer : But what if I don't like what you have to offer or if the dates do not suit me?

AT : Sorry, but them's the rules.

Customer: OK, pity becuase I have being using Abbey Travel for the last 25 years but I can't afford to pay you €70 to find out if you might have a product that will suit me.

AT : You could have a look at our brochure for free.

Customer : OK, would you recommend anything in particular?

AT : No, sorry. We have this rule you see...I can't tell you about the options without the payment.

Customer : Oh.

AT: OK, bye. NEXT!

Customer: Goes to next high street agent and books a holiday worth €7000.

It's that simple.
Re: Abbey Travel charging for quotes

squire as stupid as that sounds you have the whole thing in one.