A reality check on the government's pension plans

Duke of Marmalade

Registered User
Something that niggles me in these debates is the macro reality. It would of course be a beautiful world if everybody had a fine family home in their 20s and a comfortable pension in their dotage. But have we the economy to support this utopian ideal? If we can't afford it, then we are kidding ourselves that any amount of tinkering with tax reliefs or auto enrolment models will deliver the goods.
A very valid point.

We might end up with ok pensions but be a nation of retired renters.

Roma Burke added up the shortfall in the provision for the OAP and the shortfall in the provision for the public service pension and it's very frightening.


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+1 mtk, these types of graphs are as bad as the sensational headlines you see these days, nothing more than attention grabbing and not to be taken seriously.
I agree that predictions 30 years out do not make much sense but any suggestion that the current way of funding pensions will work for the next 10, 20 or 30 years is just pie in the sky.

The earlier we start making adjustments to peoples' expectation and/or funding the better - although the climate change situation shows that unless faced with an imminent disaster, humanity as a whole just looks the other way.

Sure, we'll be grand :)
I've said it before and i'll say it again. Giving 2 people 66 + the best part of €2000.00 per month is madness, utterly daft and don't come out with the "we worked hard for it" jingo. I'll soon be one myself and can't believe it. No wonder so many want to come here, show how much they love us and settle down. We're the best country in Ireland by a country mile. Lets hope it lasts because no politician's going to stop it.
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