A question about dole and working one day a week?


Registered User
My friend is on Unemployment Assistance, but has been asked by a friend of hers to help out at an office job one day a week for 4 hours, the job fee will work out about €45 for the day, but does have to be put through the tax system.
My friend is just worried if she takes the job that it won't be worth her while as the dole will probably stop her for a full day.
I have looked up on the Welfare website but can't find anything that relates to this situation.
Hope somebody has some advice.
My understanding is that unavailability for part of a day means that the full day is stopped - see here:
A day is not treated as a day of unemployment unless on that day the person is capable of, available for and genuinely seeking work. (see below).
Unemployment Assistance (as opposed to Unemployment Benefit) is means tested. So if your friend's means increase to the tune of €45, this would have a €45 impact on the amount of assistance received.

On the other hand, if your firnd is on Unemployment Benefit, they would simply lose payment in respect of the day they're working.

In either circumstance, your friend should check the impact the arrangement would have on their PRSI credits as to lose credits might impact on their capacity to make welfare claims in the future. Their local welfare office should be able to advise.
Don't think €45 would affect the means test but there is some form of one for one deducation alright, try social welfare, comhairle or Oasis websites
Depends if person single or has dependants. I would advise you to check it but from my knowledge for Unemployment assistance disregard of €12.70 per day worked then 60% of the balance of the earnings are counted as means and taken from benefit. On my figures €19.38 will be reduced from unemployment assistance. But be careful to check how will affect rent allowance or other benefits. I think you can earn up to €60 without rent allowance being affected but then basically deducted euro for euro.