4 out of 5, what if it's not true, but only 2 years living separate?


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My friend got a letter from circuit family law court, that his partner applyed for divorce and give the wrong date since they living separate, instead 2,3 y. she declare 4,4y. And they have 3,1 y. old child...
Or it doesn't really matter? - that is the question
Kind Regards,
In Ireland, the parties must have been living apart from one another for a period amounting to four out of the previous five years before the application for divorce is made.
It looks like the partner is lying about the length of time to be eligible
The date counts from when the parties started living apart and not from the date of a Judical Separation (or Separation agreement) if there is one.

Time spent living at the same address but living separate lives can be included in the 4 years, provided that both parties can establish they were living separate lives.

Would it not be difficult to prove that you were living separate lives for 4 years and 4 months if you had a 3yo child!
Could have been living separate lives from the time of conception... not for me to judge!