3rd unauthorized transaction on current account!


Registered User
yesterday i noticed an unauthorized debit card transaction on my current account and within seconds was on the phone to the bank to dispute it. i will have a new card/pin shortly and should get the money back as soon as i return a form. i am very concerned about this though as this is the 3rd time this has happened to me within 18 months and all with the same bank. every time it happens i get a new card/pin. i have had bank cards with various different banks for over 15 years and have never had this happen before. is getting the new card and pin enough or should i do anything else? i have moved the rest of my money from the current and put it into the savings.
Could your credentials be known by someone living with you ? Do you change your pin number each time or do you change it back to the original ? Do you cover your hands fully when entering your pin at an atm or shop ? It's amazing how peopel can stand behind and get your pin. Also was the card missing in any of these or is it a case of a cloned card each time ?
it's happened again and this time with another bank. i just noticed it now. i was told to contact the gardai. is this happening to anyone else?
I think you need to review your security to be honest. First things first, always cover the pinpad when entering pin with other hand. Change the pin on any other card immediately.
it's happened again and this time with another bank. i just noticed it now. i was told to contact the gardai. is this happening to anyone else?

Are you using the same numbers on all cards?

Are you using the same computer to access online banking for all banks?

Have you used more than one card in the same place recently?

Your security has been compromised somewhere along the line (and before too from what you are saying).

What is the nature of the unauthorised transaction, is it happening in this country or elsewhere?

Have you entered card details on any unsecured website to make a purchase?
first bank is nib. haven't used that card in the past 6 weeks. second bank boi. boi account was only opened this month so neither card has been used in the same place. can somone hack into a persons pc and see what details are being entered? i am deeply concerned. boi account has a minus balance now and i have no overdraft.
Have you clicked on any links in emails which appear to come from your bank (but aren't)?
nib will do a refund as soon as they get back the form they sent me but boi want me to go to the gardai. no refund will be made in the mean time. can boi behave like this? i don't understand why nib will give the money back before an investigation while boi are forcing me to go to the gardai before taking any action. i hear the gardai won't help as the bank should be doing that. i am away at the moment and this has really messed up my few days break. i have never gotten an email like that from a bank.
Alex, thank goodness i'm not alone! I'm waiting on a new lazer card & number again. I get a brand new pin every-time, and i'm in a shop paying or at the bank link and its saying my pin is blocked. Someone/organisation has my details as even with a brand new laser no there was an unauthorised amount taken from my account. Small amounts €40 so i didn't cop them at first.

you'll have to close your account and open a new one and issue all new cards etc on that, inc changing all the direct debits, standing orders etc. But security is the most important so it will be worth it.