35 and worrying over debt

Not mad at all, I know 2 people who do this although they dont make much as everyone is tightening the reigns.

Try everything - dog walking, local shops, etc. Every little helps.
Hi Firesign,

I also did a bit of babysitting myself and the fact that I was mature and I had my own car worked in my favour. They didn't have to worry about getting me home at the end of the night. I figured I might as well earn a few quid sitting in someone else's house rather than earning nothing sitting in my own! If you got a regular weekly job it would help a bit. Even if it's just petrol money.

Once they know you're reliable, you will find their friends want to borrow you too.
If there is any hotels in your locality, give them your details for babysitting.

Do the Ts & Cs of your mortgage policy allow for a payment holiday/moratorium? I have a tracker and am allowed a 6 month break if needed.
You are for want of a better term insolvent.

There is no way to service all your debts....not from the figures I see. I don't know how you've managed so far....your monthly loan/cc repayments are €2,436....your income is €2,500 - leaving you €16 euros a week.

Theres nothing left to do but take the bulls by the horns and start pee'ing the lenders off.

Get AIB to agree to interest only for as long as they're willing. Start a debt snowball - throw everything you have a your smallest lender - 2.5 months and this first one should be taken out. You will receive nasty letters from the four you still owe money to...call them up and tell them they'll get paid...might buy you some time if not, well there's not much you can do for them. Once first one is paid start the same with the next smallest and keep going from there. They'll take you to court and get a judgement against you. Who cares - you suck with credit so you shouldn't get any for your own good. It will take over a year before any really nasty stuff happens like the sheriff coming to your door but by that time you will be better equipped to handle whatever remains and strike a deal with other lenders. Once your back in the black in 5 years or so your credit will be repaired eventually.

Whatever you do keep paying your mortgage ahead of any other creditor.

You can swith to interest free credit cards, make extra cash here and there but unless you get some magical windfall you'll be struggling with these for years to come. I think your sanity is more important than your credit score.

Do a budget out and stick to it. Life is gonna be boring for awhile but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Obviously I don't know where you live but have you ever considered taking in a student for the summer months? There's good money to be made over a few months.
What you should do is any spare money you make, fire it into paying off the credit card payment of 3,700 as quickly as possible. At least that will be one debt less and you will feel you are getting somewhere. Then the minimum payment you were paying on that one plus any spare money goes into the next card and so on. I think that is easier than spreading it through all the debts at one time as you wouldn't feel you were getting anywhere very quickly.

Another idea for making some extra money is deliveries for a chinese restaurant. I know a guy who does this and he can make €50 - €80 a night.
You might be able to boost your cash flow by a one off €820 (one mortgage payment) by changing the day of the month your mortgage is paid - depending when you get paid and when the mortgage comes out.

In my case I was getting paid on the 28th of each month and had to hold the mortgage amount which was coming out in the middle of the following month (maybe 14th). Anyway I changed my mortgage payment date to 28th meaning that I had one pay-cheque from which I didn't have to pay the mortgage.