3 day week may be cut to 2 days


Registered User
Hi, I'm looking for some advice on my situation. I was cut from a 5 day week to a 3 day week almost three years ago. There has been no opportunity to go back to working 5 days since then, and I have since taken a pay cut on top of the cut in hours. My stamps are due to run out in the coming months and I will lose the €81.20 I have been getting each week. To add to all that, there is a risk that I may be cut further to a 2 day week.

My question is, if I am cut to a 2 day week can I still claim off my stamps, even after they have run out for my current claim? From my reading of the relevant websites, once you have been cut significantly again your claim can be re-assessed. Are you then just paid for the 1 extra day you have been cut, or all 3 that you are not working. Or will I not get anything at all?

I hope my query is clear!