3 Day Week - How is Social Welfare Payment Treated


Registered User
I have being told that I will be reduced to a 3 day week from the start if June. The company have said that this is a temporary move and I will be reinstated to a full week when/if things improve.

My query is that I want to calculate my adjusted take home pay following this change.

My understanding is that I will be entitled to partial JSB and believe that I would get 40% of the circa 200 euro = 80 euro.

So if I was earning say 1,000 euros per week, now this is adjusted down to 600 euro for a 3 day week, then is the 80 euro JSB added to the 600 to give me gross income of 680 which is then taxed in the normal way? Or am I just taxed on the 600 in the normal and the 80 euro is non taxable? Or perhaps it is handled some other way.

Any advice is much appreciated.