3 day week - Benefits


Registered User
My wife (working for HSE, A1 for 10+ years) reduced her working days from 5 days to 3 days per week ( to spend more time with kids - voluntarily)

I am full time 5 days, A1 for 10 years.

I may lose my job soon, so my wife has asked at work (HSE) to go back to 5 days employment. They have refused this.

My question is this. Can my wife claim any sort of jobseeker allowance/benefit for the time she has been on 3 days and for the rest of the time she is on 3 days - even though she initially requested these reduced hours ?
Her posiiton has changed and, as she is now available for and seeking full-time employemnt, she can claim JB for the days that she is not working. Call to local SW office to make a claim