3 day per week commute and taxsaver ticket


Registered User
hi folks,

I commute from bayside to town on the dart two or three days a week. My marginal tax rate is 41%. I think I'm just around the point where buying a taxsaver ticket and getting only 50% use out of it and paying full price ticket each time probably works out around the same over a year. Irishrail claim to have a ticket to suit everyone on their website but I don't think they have anything for me.

I just wanted to ask if anyone thought I am missing something here - in particular am I right in assuming that there is no provision to pay full price tickets then claim tax back at the end of the year? Reckon I'm out of luck but just thought I'd ask.

thanks very much
hi folks,

I commute from bayside to town on the dart two or three days a week. My marginal tax rate is 41%. I think I'm just around the point where buying a taxsaver ticket and getting only 50% use out of it and paying full price ticket each time probably works out around the same over a year. Irishrail claim to have a ticket to suit everyone on their website but I don't think they have anything for me.

I just wanted to ask if anyone thought I am missing something here - in particular am I right in assuming that there is no provision to pay full price tickets then claim tax back at the end of the year? Reckon I'm out of luck but just thought I'd ask.

thanks very much

They do have a ticket for everyone, you're looking for the benefits of the taxsaver scheme whilst not being a full-time commuter, that's not their fault.

If you use a Leap Card you will pay €2.30 each way, if you use cash you'll pay €5.25 day return, if you choose to buy the taxsaver ticket you will pay €11.26 a week though that is based on a 52 week basis which presumably by having holidays you won't use. Also with taxsaver your employer needs to be part of the scheme.

Do you ever use the DART at weekends, would you use the Nitelink ever? It's included in the combined DART/Dublin Bus annual ticket. Not sure if there is a Nitelink that goes near Bayside.

www.leapcard.ie or www.taxsaver.ie is what I would recommend.
thanks Derek. at least if i buy taxsaver i have an excuse to take loads of nitelinks!