2nd Dog



I have a 10 month old German Shepherd shes great very playful loves people and other dogs. I am considering getting another dog as a campanion for her. Is this a good or bad idea? Anyone have 2 dogs that can give me advice.
My sister has two dogs, a golden retriever and a mutt a big mutt at that.
She reckons they are great company for each other.
would agree with the statement of them being great company for one another the only probs u might face is the intial fights which they do over territory and according to vets should be allowed. Also i found when one of them dies the other one can get very lonely and age rapidly though this is just my personal experience.
nichen said:
I have a 10 month old German Shepherd shes great very playful loves people and other dogs. I am considering getting another dog as a campanion for her. Is this a good or bad idea? Anyone have 2 dogs that can give me advice.
Hi Nichen,
I have two puppies 9 months old. I never had a pet before so I as a little worried getting two. But now I would not have it any other way. Both myself and my partner are at work during the day, so the pups are out the back from 9.15-5.00. Sometimes I sneak in to see what they are at out the back garden. They are very content, chasing each other, rolling around etc.
I think that the two together is great not only for companionship but also for their physical development.
However, one dog is more dominant and has stolen the others food. I now feed the dominant dog first outside and feed the weaker one inside. I have a few more problems with the pups regarding accidents at night time, but I think I should start a new tread on that topic.
If I were you I would go and have a chat to your vet. S/he would be the best person to ask.