2005 Budgeting Challenge?


Registered User
If Daltonr can tear himself away from his tit for tat badinage ( although I use that term loosely) with Clubman, when are we going to hear the announcement of this years budgeting challenge?
Vanilla said:
If Daltonr can tear himself away from his tit for tat badinage ( although I use that term loosely) with Clubman
It's all tit now as I've decided not to supply the tat for the moment.

Anyway, was this the challenge?
That's the one, and

Next year I'll make the Budgeting Challenge a Sticky Post.

Although, note daltonr did not specify what exactly the challenge would be...
You mean you are suggesting that the challenge would be to literally transport one person out of Ireland for €7.50? Or is that index-linked? Does over the border count?
Lots of unanswered TAT
Here: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showpost.php?p=128689&postcount=34
And Here: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showpost.php?p=128500&postcount=28
And Here: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showpost.php?p=128685&postcount=31

Are we now going to argue about which of Us Stopped replying to the other first?



Last Year's challenge was a bit of a dissapointment. In the end Piggy won it with Beans on Toast for goodness sake. I sent him his €20 voucher as promised, even though he graciously offered not to take it because his "entry" was more of a joke.

But If I'm going to do it this year I'd be demanding that there be at least a couple of entries before the prize would be paid out. In principle I'm up for it again.

OK Here's the Terms and Conditions from last year, with a few alterations.

1. The competition is open to all registered members of
AskAboutMoney.com except me and members of my family.

2. Closing Date for posting Entries is November 21st.

3. The meal can consist of as many or as few courses as
you see fit, but it must be sufficient to feed 2 Adults.

4. The meal can not include any items from Fast Food Restauraunts,
or Take-Aways.

5. Herbs, Spices, Salt, Sugar, Butter and Cooking Oil can be used
and are not inlcuded in the price.

6. Even if an item can be used for more than one meal, e.g.
a Bag of Rice, Pasta, etc. the entire cost of the Item is included in the

7. The cost of any drink to be consumed with the meal e.g.
Milk, Wine, Cider etc, must be included in the €7.50

8. Only one entry is allowed per registered user.

9. To collect the €20 gift voucher you must provide a valid
receipt showing the items purchased. The total cost
(including Plastic Bag Tax if paid) must be
equal to or less than €7.50

10. You may avail of Coupons, Special Offers or Cash Back
offers in order to reduce your cost. The actual Cost to
you must not exceed €7.50.

11. You may purchase any cooking implements that you need.
This is not included in the €7.50

12. Unless 3 or more entries are posted the prize will not be awarded.

13. The winner will be announced on this thread and will be
contacted by Private Message to arrange delivery of the

14. The prize will be a €20 Note. Last year I gave a Post Office voucher
but realised there was a charge when buying the voucher. Seemed like
a silly waste of money.

For a bit of background this started from a TV show on BBC (I think) where a young girl getting her finances under control was challenged to cook a meal of 3 people that cost no more than £5 Sterling.

She cooked Salad, Pasta, and had Red Wine to drink.

One week to the closing date. I suspect there won't be any Grub for you to eat.
My €20 is safe.

11. You may purchase any cooking implements that you need.
This is not included in the €7.50

Are you allowed to use lobster and champagne as 'cooking implements'? for example:

'mix the batter with the tail of a live lobster, and then tenderise the meat with a champagne bottle'

Of course, the exciting part of the meal is that you get to eat the very tools used to cook it!
daltonr said:
One week to the closing date. I suspect there won't be any Grub for you to eat.
My €20 is safe.
Can I resubmit haricots blancs al pomodoro on white bread crostini again so...?
If you mean the real budget then it's usually the first Wednesday (7th this year) of December.