200 investment property tax update


Registered User
The legislation on the property tax has now been published and could be enforced in a number of weeks


Does anyone know how the local authorities intend on enforcing this??

Am I wrong to think that they don't have a list of investment properties in the county?? Are they relying on TRS and related info for enforcement of the 200?
It is to be collected by self assessment. There are late fees and penalties and unpaid amounts will be charged against the property for up to 12 years. Revenue, ESB and PRTB are required by the bill to share data with local authorities when requested. I would imagine the first request would be for the stamp duty office to provide a list of property transactions relating to investment property, then a list of PRTB members and a list of ESB account holders that don't match the name of the person who bought the house.

Very hard to avoid.

Here is the bill:
how do you pay this. Just go in to county concil office and pay cash €200
The local authority will give you a form. You fill it in and give it back to them with the money.

do you have to pay it on a house that your daughter is living in? she pays no rent.
Looks to me that you are liable. There is an exemption for a house occupied by a divorced/separated spouse.

200 quid is not a lot of money.
€200 is not a lot of money - but I'm oldfashioned and I still like to get something in return for it.
My problem with this tax is it starting at €200 - what will it be next year and the year after - i can see it as one of those things that is 500 then 1000 - just keeps sneaking up every year.
We get 54 billion of public spending in return for the 34 billion in taxes we pay.

A flat property tax can't go up too high as it applies to all regardless of house size but yes I imagine it's the thin end of the wedge. Also on the horizon: water rates, carbon tax, tax on child benefit and elimination of property tax reliefs.
I have just had a quick read of the above bill - Certain buildings are excluded - this inculdes "the subject of a contractual arrangement with a housing authority (under a rental accommodation scheme) or the health service executive," - Am I reading this correctly? If a house is rented under the RAS then no tax is due - could this be right or am i missing something?
Thanks for all the feedback. I am registered with the PTRB but it does irk me somewhat that those who aren't may evade it. I wonder how long it will take for the Co Co to come knocking about this( I have heard it will be collected by the Co Co)
Do you think that the property tax will be linked to non payment of stamp duty. So for people who didnt pay stamp duty and said it was their PPR but then rented it out before their 2/5 years was up?
I don't understand your question.

Are you asking if people who paid residential stamp duty on investment property will be discovered by this new tax and obliged to pay the correct stamp duty?
Yep thats what I was trying to say!!

I hope the government will use this as a way of checking people who have avoided stamp duty
I was just wondering, I bought a house 4 years ago when i met my then to be wife. She already owned a house and had it in her name. I have my house in my name only and she has hers in hers only although we live in hers. All electricitiy bills etc are in our own respective names for our own houses. We got married last year and informed the tax office. So seeing as we have a house in our own names only each are we liable for this tax?

Thanks for sharing the information on property tax.

Many states have passed legislation and introduced various measures to provide some form of property tax relief or the other to its residents. The state provides property tax relief to taxpayers who had their properties destroyed or damaged. This law is applicable to owners of real estate, business equipment, mobile homes, boats, and aircrafts. Most items that are assessed property tax are eligible for the tax relief.

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