Motor 2 cars one insurance


Registered User
Currently my GF and I have 2 cars and both of our insurance's are due in June. Our aim is to buy a new car either late this year or early next year. GF uses the car for work and needs to get an indemnity for insurance but she said this is no issue. I don't do much travel but GF does so will be used daily to get to work
So question is what are our options? Can we insure one car for 6 months and another for year and transfer over the insurance to the new car and not lose out on anything.
Anyone any suggestions, tips etc?
Sorry probably could have worded it better

We have 2 cars under 2 different insurance companies and both are due for renewal in June 2017. In 2018 we plan to get rid of both cars and buy one new car and transfer over the remaining life of the insurance over to new car, and pay any excess etc. However if we are insured under different insurers what happens? When we trade up we just tell insurance company we are not going with and they will refund remaining balance less costs etc?
When we trade up we just tell insurance company we are not going with and they will refund remaining balance less costs etc?


Also remember you'll have one policy where you'll have one person as the main insured and the second person as a named driver.

If you ever go back to needing a second vehicle the named driver may not be allowed full bonuses when the time comes.

Also look and what is cheaper ... male as main driver and female as named driver and vice versa.