1916 Centenary and "the relatives"


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I don't see why relatives of 1916 participants should have special treatment at commemoration events. The relatives had absolutely no involvement in 1916 and are citizens of Ireland, the same as myself.
It's an Irish joke. A Republic should not be giving special status to people based on ancestry.

It's embarrassing watching them squabble amongst each other, and then jockeying for position in the parade....3 or 4 generations down
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I can't believe the media are giving them so much air time. If they agreed it was a non-story they whole embarrassing mess might just go away.

You don't see the ancestors of criminals who got away with it coming forward to demand rights to take punishment on their behalf.
Couldn't agree more. I am aware of a few individuals with ancestral links to 'Irish heroes' pre 1916 and need I say anymore - - - a scene of entitlement comes to mind. I could go on but wont bore you all.

Please don't get me started on the 1916 bandwagon brigade.
Unless you lost a parent, then it's time to move on.

I presume there is no one left who was orphaned by the rising ?
Joe Duffy was talking the 1916 celebrations today....all his callers on this started with the line that the relatives must take centre stage as thats whats right and proper, they're the most important people in this!

I heard Aodhan O'Riordan on Drivetime say that there would be some sort of qualifying criteria i.e direct descendant of someone who died in 1916, otherwise there'd be tens of thousands in with claims to march down O'Connell St
It is completely ludicrous that there should be such a focus on the "descendents". On what basis? For what reason? Did they do anything that merits this focus? And this daft notion of a coterie of self-important "descendents" protesting over it - what sort of codology is that?
I see no reason why individuals who are some 3 generations removed from those who took part in 1916 can somehow expect to be consulted or hold the Govt up to ransom because they are not getting what they want. And typical in Ireland we have more than one group claiming to represent the 1916 relatives.
The only thing worse will be if Sinn Fein attempt to hijack the celebrations based on some even more misguided view that they represent the original SF of 1916.
Totally agree, isnt it ironic that these people are claiming ownership of an event contributory to the Republic, on the basis of lineage...surely a very royalist approach.

I'd hope the mainstream parties can avoid a squabble over it - they'll probably unite to ensure no SF hi-jack. SF getting more tiresome by the day - how long before a dirty protest in the Dail, Mary Lou on the blanket....
The only thing worse will be if Sinn Fein attempt to hijack the celebrations based on some even more misguided view that they represent the original SF of 1916.

What is worse about that is the "original" SF were neither the instigators nor the leaders of the 1916 uprising (though some of those involved would have had connections with SF). The only reason they have been associated with the uprising was sloppy contemporary reporting. SF no more owns any legitimate claim to it than the Irish Parliamentary Party.