150k to invest


Registered User
I want to invest 150k and be able to withdraw it without notices where should I put it for best return. What bank give the best rates?

Any help would be appreciated

Have you read the Best Buys lists here on Askaboutmoney.com?

Thank you, I have look at the best buys but I cannot see anything relating to the BoI, I have it with them at present and their interest rate is 2.50% which I think is very low for a large amount of money. I could be wrong of course.

I have look at the best buys but I cannot see anything relating to the BoI.
I don't follow.

Why not move it to another institution or institutions? 2.5% is certainly not a good rate and is not even keeping pace with inflation.
Re: 150k to invist

Bank of Ireland aren't in the Best Buys list because their demand deposit account is not competitive. The list shows which banks are more competitive, which I think answers your original question. Feel free to post again if you have other queries on this subject.
Many thanks for all your replies - would like more information on the most competitive bank that falls within the government guarantees for deposits on demand.

Many thanks

Many thanks for all your replies - would like more information on the most competitive bank that falls within the government guarantees for deposits on demand.

Cross reference the Best Buys list with the Financial Regulator's list of banks that are covered by the guarantee here.