150,000 gross salary, maximum 100% mortgage


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a friend is separating (unlucky devil) and has a 150,000 gross salary as his ex is even welthier than he, (lucky devil), he has 10 thumbs in financial matters, and is mainly weeping these days, is it true that as a higher professional, 6 years with workplace, he will get 5 times the gross in a 100% mortgage, and is it true and from who would he get a 7 times the gross in a 100 % mortgage
As a second time buyer the maximum he will get is 95% on standard criteria (although 100% may be possible by negotiation if he can satisfy the lender as to why he has no deposit on a salary of that level). Yes, 5 times income will be possible; 7 times - highly unlikely. Maintenance and any other commitments will lessen his borrowing capacity.



7 time salary ???

That's a lot of debt that person is willing to take on at this stage of the property cycle (that new found sense of freedom might be very short-lived )

This calculator estimates that mortgage payments on this amount (25years @ 4.5%) would be about €5800 per month.
(Going up about €300 per month with each ECB rate hike)

[broken link removed] estimates a single person earning €150k would have net monthly take home pay of about €7700.