15 working days to clear Sterling drafts


Registered User
I wonder can anyone shed light on the following in terms on whether it is the norm and if there is anything I can do to speed up the process.

I bank with Barclays in UK from when I lived there in 80's. I also bank with PTSB in Dublin. I bought a stg draft yesterday from Barclays as I was in London as I thought this would be the quickest way to get funds to my account in Dublin. To my amazement this morning I was told by PTSB that the funds would take 15 working days to clear as it was from the UK, which last time I looked (yesterday) was a one hour flight away and not some far flung place. Shurely thersh shome mishtake!!??
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No mistake. I have lodged a few sterling cheques and always takes 15 days. i too am with PTSB, so not sure if it is this backs policy.

Bloody anoying!
quickest way to get money from an english account to and Irish account is to do a credit transfer. Money can hit the Irish account the same day if done early enough, although they say 3 to 5 working days I have often had a 24 hour turnaround on the transfer.
stg draft .. take 15 working days to clear .. a one hour flight away

Aah, if only banks used Ryanair to remit pieces of paper

I agree that 15 working days seems excessive but, in my experience, UK banks regard drafts like toxic waste so I am not surprised. I assume PTSB's advice is based on experience.

I remember, many years ago, trying to cash a eurocheque in a high street bank in London and it took about 4 layers of bureaucracy before someone in the branch recognised what it was.
Thanks for the replies.
Wonderwoman would that it were that easy. Did a Swift transfer on 4/10 that was returned through no fault of mine. Am in process of having row with Barclays as I requested full refund including transaction charge, but as they operate through a variety of call centres it's nigh on impossible to get anyone senior or indeed anyone to accept responsibility.
I deal with HSBC to PTSB. Never had a problem. Haven't had any experience with Barclay's.... thank god by the sound of it!
Joy - A full refund plus the charge has been credited to my account this afternoon, Obviously my whinge worked!
First active told me it takes up to a month for a sterling cheque , however I lodged with NIB and it appeared in two days.