15 day delay in laser transaction?


Registered User
Can anyone help with this one?
laser transactions show up on your online bank statements more or less immediately, I am aware that the money has NOT actually 'left' the account but has infact been 'allocated' to the transaction and will appear as DATELASERTX it will only show the name where the transaction took place once the money has been paid over to the store, ie 0312SHOPNAME
However, this week(2nd Dec 2009) I had 4 transactions on my statement all for varying amounts but the dates were for 18th Dec,19th Dec, 21st Dec and 22nd Dec.All were showing as if they had just been allocated but not yet paid ie..no shop name being displayed. I wasn't querying the amounts or anything like that as I knew what they were for and in each case they were for fuel for 2 vehicles at the same filling station. When I queried with the telephone banking customer service why it had taken 14 days, 15days,11days and 10days for these to show at the 'allocated' stage no-one knew and told me to phone my local branch. I did this and they told me that they had no idea and told me to ask the petrol station concerned! Surely this shouldn't be allowed to happen as the separate transactions all came out yesterday for a total of €238, which has in turn sent me overdrawn and the bank has now slapped €17 charges on me! If they had all come out at the correct time this would not have happened as my wages go in every week.
Does anyone know what is going on here as the bank certainly didn't and seem to think that it was my fault.
just thought worth mentioning. I fully understand about 'shadow banking' but my query is really with the delay of these transactions going through and if there is anything I can do about it.
Also, just remembered, the branch lady said that there was a possibility that the filling station hadn't bought their Laser chip n pin machine from BoI and that could be the reason!!(clutching at straws with that one methinks!!)
The problem is the petrol station. They are not finalising their transactions in a timely fashion. They are supposed to finalise transactions at the end of each business day. This seems to be a common enough problem for petrol stations. I had one transaction that was not completed for 6 months.

My suggestion is do not use your card there again.
The problem is the petrol station. They are not finalising their transactions in a timely fashion .. My suggestion is do not use your card there again.


The bank should have been able to offer more informed advice, but there's nothing the bank can do if the retailer is late sending in the POS (point of sale) transactions.
... which has in turn sent me overdrawn and the bank has now slapped €17 charges on me! If they had all come out at the correct time this would not have happened as my wages go in every week....
You seem to be unable to budget and unable to reconcile and operate your bank account within the agreed terms.
... and seem to think that it was my fault. ...
It was. There were no unauthorised withdrawals simply (admittedly unusual) delays in processing transactions which you apparently saw as extra cash and spent.
Just received a call from bank customer services with the following information;
The filling station had said that as a rule they put the transactions through daily but if there had been a power cut or some other reason(!) thn there would be a delay and that if they wanted they could wait 3 months before submitting.
Ah well ayt least I know.
Thanks for your responses guys

very helpful indeed.