1 month stay in tokyo


Registered User
ive booked a 4 week trip to tokyo that will run over the christmas hols into january.

can anyone suggest suitable accom? Im not sure whether short term apartment rental or a hotel. Im traveling with my boyf so we can share a room. Im just looking for the most cost effective way to stay. Appreciate any advice.
Tokyo was actually featured on the Last Word's travel slot last night. I don't know the name of the guy who was talking, but he recommended spending some of your holiday in a hotel and some with a family, which seems to be quite popular. The way he described it was kind of like a B&B but the family seem to really make a fuss of you. He also said that hotels were quite expensive so it may be worth considering for part of your holiday at least.
You lucky lucky thing.

When I was in Tokyo I stayed in one of those B&B places - can't remember what they're called - something beginning with r - like rengko, something like that.

They were great. I'd kill to go back!!!!!

Make sure you have plenty of hot baths and hang around shrines eating stuff from stalls.


try either of the above for info - def to to Kyoto as it is the most amazing place. am so jealous of you, went to japan several years ago and can honestly say it was the most amazing place i have ever been - try and learn even a few phrases if you can it will help enormously (like anywhere) but the japanese (certainly the ones i met) were so afraid of offending by getting it wrong that they wouldnt speak english.
Thanks all I really appreciate those ideas. i never considered the B&B type route. thats a great way to go I think. Ill be wishing my life away until December.. plenty of time to learn a few phrases i suppose..
If you want cheap, you could stay the night in a "Love Hotel". These sound more sleazy that they actually are and I used them a lot when I lived there.
Most Japanese single people still live with their parents so when they want to spend quality time with their girl/boy friend, they go to "Love hotels" to rent rooms by the hour. After about 10pm the Room Rate drops significantly (as the singles have to go home) and can be a good place to stay.
We once got 6 people in one room after a heavy night in Osaka.

The Ryokan that are dotted around are also fantastic but some serve only traditional Japanese food including the dreaded Natto, fermented soy bean curd, and it is as bad as it sounds.