02-Getting upgrade if not due one?


Registered User
Hi all,
My phone has died. And am not due another upgrade until later this year.
I rang 02 and was told that they will not give me an upgrade earlier...has anyone got around this? I have a very old phone that will not send texts and is on the blink....

Just wondering if there was anyway they would change their mind? I asked to speak to a superviser and the guy I was talking to said that I would be wasting my time as they would have the same answer....I threatened to go to 3(and will probably do this if not joy with 02) to no avail...


A workmate of mine was not due an upgrade and managed to get one when his phone died by going into the store and kicking up. He said what a good customer he was, how much he had spent, and if they didn't upgrade him he would move.

He came back with a new phone! Oh, and he also got some accessories thrown in too.