€678 in foreign currencies


Registered User
I have almost €700 in 14 different foreign currencies.

Lots of the currencies are not easy to change and I don’t plan to go back to these country in the immediate future. What’s the most efficient way of changing the currency?

Also, for currencies under €30 worth I was contemplating giving them to charity (trocaire box is staring at me here), are foreign currencies any use to these charities?
Do we have anywhere like this in Ireland?

If not it might be best to hold all currencies until I visit England again.

We at Best Foreign Exchange.com offer buy back service of your unused travel money by post. Dispatch the money by secured delivery of Royal Mail and we credit your bank account within 2 working days. We do not charge any commission and exchange at published web site rate, the best in London. Find out more details at our " Buy Back by Post Page" https://www.bestforeignexchange.com/buy_Back_Currrency.php
Rasika, this is an Irish website. Are you saying you are willing and/or able to remit to an Irish bank account? If so, is there any additional charges? Remember, different jurisdiction, different currency, different banking arrangements, different postal service, etc. It may not be cost-effective for the OP.
OP, if any coins are particularly unusual or interesting you could consider seeing what they would fetch if you put them up online for sale on eBay or similar.
Here is another option

I am not sure how their rates compare. With that value of money you would have to courier it / insured mail or drop it to London in person. They do bank transfers to Euro accounts.

I have not used either company