Ореnіng а GВР bаnk ассоunt іn іrеlаnd: whаt mеthоd dо уоu rесоmmеnd?


Registered User
І hаvе 1000£ іn mу раураl but І dоn't wаnt tо sеnd thе mоnеу tо mу еurо ассоunt bесаusе раураl wіll соnvеrt іt & thеу сhаrgе а hіgh fее - іs thеrе аnуwау І саn ореn а GВР ассоunt іn іrеlаnd sо thаt І wоn't hаvе tо gеt thе mоnеу соnvеrtеd? Іf sо whісh оnе dо уоu rесоmmеnd?
i tried that but the GBP account revolut uses for you isn't a personal account it's a public account, so when I tried connecting by entering the ASIN for adding a bank account in paypal it said "This bank is already linked to another account."
There is both a public GBP account (where you have to use a unique reference to route your payment) and a private GBP account offered by Revolut.

I would guess that you have used the public GBP account.

Did you click on "local" under "British Pound Account" section of the app?
Did you click on "local" under "British Pound Account" section of the app?
That's what I was thinking as well, but when I tried it in my PayPal, it looks like PayPal will only accept a full IBAN. Only spent a few minutes, so there might be another way.

With PayPal, can you transfer to a card?
it seems pp requires a unique iban not associated with any account so i cant use the GBP iban since other people use that too

unfortunately u cant transfer to a card with pp

i wonder if transferring to the euro personal bank account of revolut will tranfer the currency to you in pounds as it is, or if itl convert to euro? the IBAN starts with GB which makes me wonder
The bank fees would be a lot less than the time taken to open a new bank account for £100, unless you place littlr value your time.