Conversation with Imagine Telecom Sales


Registered User
I am trying decide on who's offering a good alternative to Eircom so I just tried Imagine as a follow up to this thread.

A sales guy answered and told me about their 45 euro a month package (anytime calls + BB). I then asked him about international calls to Switzerland and he said hang on. He told me he can give me calls to the UK for 3 cent and I said I didn't need those! Then I heard him say (presumably to somebody sitting beside him): "here here ... eh .. here .. gimme that sheet will ya". He then said "I can do them calls for 30 cent a minute". I said OK, that's more expensive than Talk Talk. He said "hang on, give me your details and I can put them in the computer and hit the Spot Prize button and I can generate cheaper calls! "I see" I said. I told him I'd call back later when I have a chance to review the packages on their website.

Has anybody else had this experience?! Something tells go elsewhere!